Friday, December 28, 2007
Mmmmajor Gossip!

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Make new friends, but keep the old...

Although Bravo has cruelley ripped away my weekly PR4 fix, at least they've been kind enough to anesthetize me with a hefty dose of PR1-3! Yesterday, as I sat in Maison du Blonde waiting for my ride to the Dayton City "International" Airport, I was joined by the smiling faces of some of my all-time faves (Austin, Jay and Kara), along with the menacing grin of my all-time least fave (Well, to be fair, my all-time least fave is Angela, but Wendy is definitely deuxième!). This little trip down memory lane got me thinking: I have some puh-retty strong feelings about the season one contestants - both as designers and, like, human beings. Ditto for seasons 2 and 3. But season 4? Notsomuch. I'm sure it's because we're still so early into the competition (for you as well), but so far there's no one that's got me A) gushing about how badly I want them to outfit me or 2) ranting about how I want to bludgeon them with a shoe from the Bluefly accessories wall. Like, I loved Jack, but I didn't Daniel Voso-love him. And I get a kick out of Christian, but he's no Andrae. And though I see Kevin's technical skill, his vision falls short of Jeffrey's.

In short, this is my call to the cast of PR4 to step up their game next week. Christian, you need to find the Santino to your Andrae. Rami, you must find the Daniel V. to your Nick Verreos. Marché, you may look like Jay McCarroll, but your designs lack his unique point of view that makes me not want to wear his clothes, but totally appreciate their beauty. Get with it people! I want there to be options for who should win each challenge, rather than clear winners every time. And is it so much to ask that your Tim Gunn impressions, I don't know, SOUND LIKE TIM GUNN! Also, come on, Ricky - don't just annoy me, make me hate you! Passion is what this show is all about people - so go hard, or get AUWT.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
So ... what do we do now?

Aww, how cute is that?! Boy meets girl ... girl intimately fits boy ... they live happily ever after on some planet. (But not Heidi's planet. Bitch please.)
EJ isn't everyone's favorite this season, but I heart her. I still think she's une artiste vrais, and I admire her for being her own person no matter what craziness is going on up there on the Stunway. If someone in Dallas goes to this show, please send us pictures or any of the intimately fitted details!
The Dallas Contemporary is at 2801 Swiss Ave, in Dallas obviously. Event is free, but the ad suggests that you call ahead to reserve a seat. 214-821-2522. More on Elisa and tonight's show in today's Dallas Morning News.

Thursday, December 20, 2007
All I Want for Christmas Is Vous
Mood Fabrics Budget:

Speaking of Season 2...how about a famous kimono dress from Kara Janx? Personally, I'm all about the black and green - perfect for a holiday fête, non? And while you're at it, might as well pick up something snazzy for NYE...

If you're really looking to score some points this year, what Project Runway fan wouldn't appreciate...I don't know...say...a trip to Paris?? Um yes, actually, let's move that to the top of mon list. I refer you to the Daily Candy Guide to the city of lights for a lil Parisien inspiration.
Makin it Work For Less:
What do you meaaaaaan you can't afford a trip to Paris? Mon dieu! Well, I suppose we can work it out. If you're tryin to make it out of this holiday season without going totally broke, there's the always-popular choice of PR dvd's. The lucky recipient of this gift will be afforded ample opporunity to memorize every catty MK comment and each note and dance move of the Project Runway Musical! Talk about a gift that keeps on giving!
Or how about the adorable bowling bag Jay McCarroll has been boasting on his Elle Blog?? P.S. Do you read his Elle Blog? Cuz ya should.
Making gifts out of toilet paper and scotch tape:
Though Chris March suggested that was all you could get for $15, I beg to differ! The BravoTV shop has plenty to offer for the fan on a budget. At the top of the list? Umm...how bout fashiondirectorofellemagazine's book! Even the cover is stylish!

(And be sure to include the latest issue of Elle as a stocking stuffer. Duh.)
But let's get serious: Whether you're working with a ball-gown budget or a Bitten buck, just put a lil thought and care into your choices, and your loved ones will certainly eat up whatever you give them!
Unless your loved one is Christian. Then, well, that shit better be fierce.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The Grinch Who Stole Christian
Project Winter WonderStunway

Here in Washington, DC we are wrapping up business and getting ready for the holidays. Personally, I need to be wrapping up my Christmas presents, but I guess that will have to wait until the weekend.
HahahahaHA! The ice skating challenge! If I remember correctly, as Tim was wobbily skating along with Emmett he was saying (in that Tim voice), "I'm not so sure about this..." Classic Ep. Classic Tim.
And speaking of our fave mentor, I just read (8 months late) an article by Eric Wilson profiling Tim Gunn in the New York Times. It's titled "The Headmaster of Fashion" and it offers some interesting insites into our Tim. For example, I didn't know he is a Washington, DC native and attended and taught at the Corcoran College of Art and Design. This may explain his affinity for the power suit...
Stay warm tonight, loves. It's cold out there without our weekly dose of PR.
myBravo is your Bravo
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myBRAVO is a way for you to stay connected to all of our upcoming shows and events, connect with other Bravo fans, and get exclusive information about all your favorite Bravo-lebrities. Want to know when the next season of "Project Runway" is coming? Looking for more information about the contestants on the next season of "Top Chef" - we have all that and more! Sign up or log on and become a part of the Bravo community today!
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Monday, December 17, 2007
Do you wanna be a polyester bride?
Steven Steven Steven. Mon cheri, if anyone needed to illustrate the ability to "make it work" it was you last week. If I heard you say one more time that the fabric you had was "white polyester" I was going to make you eat that dress. HELLOOOOO! Its a competition here! Have you ever seen Project Runway before?!!? Challenges often involve making garments out of flowers (tres difficile), or worse, trash (gross). That you were allowed to use fabric is a real treat on PR.

And while I agree that an all-white palette may present some challenges, I would argue it's not much worse than an all green velour palette (Oy. poor Victorya) AND I'm guessing there wasn't much natural fiber fabric up there on the runway, right? MK pointed out that "you had beading" to work with! What about a cute little embellished top? Or a dress like this little number Daniel V sketched for BravoTV.com:

Moving on. I really must say Kevin was the winner in my book this week. Once again:

Loves, I must scoot and post more later. One too many margaritas at dinner and suddenly I'm ready for a nap. See you on the stunway.
"Does he cook for you?"

There’s this moment in the episode where you’re torn about it, and then you take Tim into the hall. What was that conversation like?
Well basically, I’m working on my outfit, and what happens with a bacterial infection is that it spreads really quickly, so initially it was just localized on my face. I was like, you know, looking ugly on TV isn’t my number one dream, but I can deal with that. And I mean, I worked really hard to get to this point. I auditioned twice. I’m not a women’s wear designer. I made a whole portfolio. I made all these dresses. I’m not going home if I can prevent it. But then I got to a certain point where … I’m malformed for one, and two -- once the infection gets advanced enough, it gets systemic and then you start to feel bad.
So, you’re dating Dale from “Top Chef.” How’s that going?
Well the thing that’s so funny for us because the extent of our dating relationship is we hung out for a couple weekends, and we talk on the phone a lot, and I really like him. And we get along really well. I mean he’s hilarious and I’m hilarious. So it just clicked. And to us – we’d both gone through this Bravo craziness, we immediately got each other and have this common ground. It’s weird. We talked about the fact that we’re not even celebrities. Imagine the scrutiny, you know, Brad and Angelina. I don’t know how those relationships survive with all this, but we’re taking it in stride. It’s funny. It’s whatever. Whether this happens to us or not, I don’t think it’s going to have any effect. I think it’s funny that people even care to be honest.
I don’t read a lot of blogs because there some serious crazies out there, but people are happy for us, whatever that means. They say how cute we are. Maybe Bravo will give us our own reality show. Jack and Dale. No. Jale. Something about Chicago.
Does he cook for you?Everyone asks that. You know, I don’t make clothes for myself and he doesn’t really cook for himself because we do it all day. So I wear jeans and t-shirts and he doesn’t cook at home. So actually no he hasn’t.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
She'll be calling you Raammii, when your name is Tommmy...

Oh honey, me too. In particular Kev I'd really like to preserve the cute pattern in a pair of hideous shorts... (a TJ Maxx mistake. one of many.) A bathing suit maybe? Not sure how that works... you are the master.
ANYWAY, she was loving herself, MK, agreed. Rami was also robbed, but every time I see the Bravo pictures of him with things in his mouth (and there are more than 1, Bravo, don't act like you don't know)... I forget. The conversations in my house about Rami go like this:
Me: "I mean, he came to win."
Maud: "He's sultry."
Moving on. I have to say when those women walked out (no offense to them) my first thought was that Bravo was being “intentionally ugly.” Again. I mean, the menswear, the pleather... what were we supposed to think? ... Until praise God two minutes later when Heidi explained and I was like this is SO BEAUTIFUL LOVE IT OMG BRAVO You are a Genius! My notes went like this:
What is WITH THE FUG this season. This season is obsessed with ugly. It’s being intentionally ugly. OHHH THEY”VE LOST WEIGHT! GOOD FOR THEM! THIS IS COOL! I LOVE THIS CHALLENGE! One hundred pounds!!!!

And this episode really made you want to TELL IT didn't it. Especially if you made a prediction that came true TEN minutes later! In this case CHRIS MARCH! Return of the March! IT IS! Return of the March! Oh My God! Pump up the world! Someone give me a cable show because I am psychic for sure.

If only all of Project Runway were tearful goodbyes, happy surprises, reminiscing over auf'd friends, and women who lost a significant amount of weight. Mais non. This week we said au revoir to sweet Steven. The best part about his exit interview is that he doesn’t quite get why he’s been auf’d.

Ok BravoTV, let's talk about next week. What about an inspired outfit for Alicia, Rhianna, Chris Brown, R. Kelly.... There is so much hot music talent out right now. Even Rich Boi would work for me. Let's do it. Something that doesn't scream fug. Something like Mary J.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
What Michael Kors has spoken, let no man put asunder

Chris March: "I agree."
Only Michael Kors can rip someone's creative vision into pieces and receive such complete deference in return. Especially considering Chris March seemed pretty OK with his outfit 2 minutes earlier.
Classic Project Runway. More recap to come...
You say goodbye, I say hello.

I laughed! I cried! I lusted after Rami! Episode 5 made a true return to the Project Runway I know and love: A show that tugs at my heartstrings and taps into my fashion sense. Lately the producers have focused so heavily on conflict and controversy, that it was refreshing to see these designers act like they really are compassionate human beings with a knack for design.
First off, let me say that no one, I mean no one (well, besides Jack), is more upset than I am that JMack had to leave. My heart hurt for him when he was on the phone with his doctor - and of course, like everyone, I was hoping the "surprise" would be him marching right back into Parson's and saying, "All better!" But it wasn't to be, darlings, and the one marchi

You know what else I love? This challenge! How cute were these ladies??? Ummm...SO CUTE. I was beyond relieved when Squints got pegged with the wedding dress trap, because it really was his time to go. I mean who takes all that beading and flare and turns it into a pilgrim dress?! Someone who should've gone home last week, that's who. That said, I'd like to declare how happy I am that we are starting to see less and less utter crap on the runway. Really! There was just so little fug this time! Sure, Steven's was bad, and Elisa's was just weird, but ya know who the real fug perpetrator was? None other than Ricky Ricardo. (Side note, his nose ring no longer bothers me. I'm far more troubled by his BELLY BUTTON RING - so glad we got to peep that in the work room. False.) He made his lady look straight up trampy - like someone Tim would've visited on Guide to Style, and told to let go of her young and whorey past. I really do feel like once we get rid of Senor Fug, we'll have a great crop of designers left....
At the top of my list? Kevin, Rami, Jillian and Xtina. Ooooh Xtina, you're gonna make me start saying fierce all the time, aren't you? Just like when Victoria Beckham made me start saying mmmajor. I just love Posh. Now she is fierce. Oh, there I go! But for real, I heart Christian. Did anyone else notice he turned his client into Kate Walsh? Well done, X! 4 Stars. Stars, like hot, like celebrity.
The rest of my love is reserved for Kevin and Rami. (And, according to this pic, I am not the only one with Kev love. Rami! Try to keep up, Kev is the straight one.) Here is a direct pull from my notes on Kevin's creation last night: "FAVE FAVE FAVE FAVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE." Umm, I guess it made a good impression coming down the runway? I give Kev a big OUI on the oui ou non scale for last night. If the challenge was to make the client's old favorite outfit into their new favorite outfit, he was definitely the winner by those standards. I was also really feeling Rami's design, and quite surprised (no offense, J-bug) that he wasn't in the top three. Just look how cute!

Come on, MK, that's cute!
Speaking of cute, big props to Heidi for busting out not one, but TWO not-ugly ensembles last night:
Atta girl, Heids. Not a drop of Chloe Dao in sight.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Kevin Christiana makes Rachel Ray look completely adorable for 30 minutes or less
Making it Work Together
What do Rachael Ray and "Project Runway" contestant Kevin Christiana have in common? Their link is that they both work together to put on the "Rachael Ray" show. Kevin is not only a stage-hand on her show, but a front-runner in this cycle of the popular Bravo series.

Non? Allors. Well people, I don't know.

Hmm. In that other picture it kind of looks like he saw Rachel Ray on one of her Tasty Travels jaunts and decided she was famous enough to take a picture with.
Either way, Kev, Rach, love it, work it.
OMG it's almost 10. Maybe they will bring back Chris March. Auf with this blog!
Are we even making clothes this week?

Kit: you and "Team Star" looked like you may have been having more fun that we were at home. I was not very impressed with your collection last week. IMO, you lucked out that there were two other teams with FAR worse looks. You're IN.

Steven: I'm having a hard time with you, kiddo. You seem very nice and also hardworking. You don't really stir the pot and you appear to be a team player. So I'm wondering what my problem is with you? This week, I'm looking for you to emerge from you're wallflower status and show us something besides slow, semi-creepy talking. If you can't do this, then I think you should be awut.
Seriously. Was Elisa even in last week's Ep? Where was the crazy? BRING IT. IN.
Jillian: you're leadership skillz and hot collection last week have forced me to add you to my team. Sigh. I guess you're not as annoying as I origninally thought. I'm not 100% happy about it, but you're obvi talented and probably deserve to stick around. IN.

Rami: you too are obvi talented and also sultry. Totally final 3 material. IN.

Ricky: a few shaky episodes there my friend, but IMO, you were doing your best with what you had on that team. In general, I think men have trouble with passive-aggressive behavior and Victorya was certainly being a pill last week. Keep your chin up, dry your tears and I think you'll be IN this week. If you can't buck up, you'll be awut.
Young lady... I hope you've had time to think about your behavior last week. It was not very becoming and I know you're better than that. This week I'm going to need you to be gracious to Ricky. You've shown yourself to be bossy and a poor teammate. I'm betting there's at least one more team challenge between you and Bryant Park (god grant me the serenity...) so you had better shape up be a problem solver. (you're IN.)

Kevin: Dude - you were looking a little harried last week. Just relax Kev! You know you've got what it takes. Keep doing what you do, straight man. You're IN.
Christian: leader of Team Star: what can I say? I love your little itty bitty crazy confident self. Love it. You're IN. Like, duh.
And now, last, but not least, Jack. Ohhhh Jack. I've already read the spoiler (and I won't share it in case some of you are saving yourselves for tonight). It's sure to be a sad Ep. based on the previews -- tears all around (though little mention of the clothes or the challenge which frankly I'm more interested in. Sorry if that makes me a bad person but we already know Jack is going to be okay...). We LOVE you, Jack.

See you bitches on the runway.