Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We're baaaaaack!

Thank goodness the holidays are over and we are back to regular lifestyle and teevee schedule! I truly love seeing family and friends and being festive, but my waistline and my liver have had enough! Hélène! I too have been thinking of the New Year and resolutions (3 cups of green tea already today!!). It really is convenient that New Years comes directly after the holidays. After six weeks or so in total gluttony and indulgence one is ready for Spartan-like living. I wonder how long this feeling will last...

As for my predictions for this evening, I'm not sure I have any deep insights... but for what it's worth: Chris March is probably in danger of being auf (again) IMO and based on some of the previews I've seen, Christian (surprise surprise) is overly confident in his design. And as annoying and sassy as Ricky can be, I think it's Elisa's week to say "auf wiedersehen." ENOUGH of the silly clothes and spacey looks! I admire the spirit of Elisa, but not her designs.

It's bound to be an excellent Ep tonight... in the previews Michael Kors describes one of the outfits as "deliciously chic." I remember a few seasons ago MK was critiquing a designer during the Barbie challenge because there was nothing "deliciously girly" about his outfit. I believe he was talking to Andre, but please correct me if I am wrong mes amis.

Speaking of deliciously girly... here are your favorite bloggers enjoying the New Years festivities:

See you on the runway!


Hélène du Blonde said...

so. excited. can't. breathe.

maybe to solve the "deliciously girly" question, i should bring over the season 2 dvds this weekend so we can watch them in their entirety. k great see you then.

Anonymous said...

Yes please! I need me some Santino.

Marthe Bonbon said...

hold up. "I admire the spirit of Elisa."? Maud, mon amour, have you had a change of heart in the new year? I will just say I agree, Elisa rocks. I also admire the spirit of her.